My Boskone 51 Program Schedule

[Testing out new blogging platforms and letting people know what I’m doing at Boskone. It’s like a shampoo and conditioner all in one!]

Bring Back My Favorite TV Show!
Friday 17:00 - 17:50

From recently cancelled shows to long-gone favorites, which SF/F/H television programs deserve a second try at tubal triumph?

Priscilla Olson (M), John Chu, Seanan McGuire, Mur Lafferty, Stephen P. Kelner

The Fantasy and Science Fiction of John M. Ford
Friday 21:00 - 21:50

He wrote a prize-winning alternate history fantasy named The Dragon Waiting that doesn’t have a dragon in it, a Star Trek book that’s kind of a musical comedy, an SF juvenile about teens playing games on a train (on the Moon), and a Christmas card that won a World Fantasy Award. Neil Gaiman called him a “writers’ writer.” Certainly John M. “Mike” Ford (1957-2006) delighted in defying expectations. But let’s try to give you some hints about what to expect when you read his work.

Jo Walton (M), Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Elizabeth Bear, John Chu, Beth Meacham

Fun With Seriously Silly Poses

Saturday 19:00 - 19:50

Expect to emit great giggles at our group reenactments of scenes from SF/fantasy/horror cover art. Warning: high probability of awkward audience participation and pretty pathetic props.

Gillian Daniels (M), John Chu, Mur Lafferty, Jennifer Pelland, E. C. Ambrose

Reduced William Shakespeare Star Wars Reading
Saturday 21:15 - 22:45

Join us for Boskone’s special reading of Ian Doescher’s Shakespearian Star Wars mashup with droids, heroes, heroines, villains – and rhyming couplets. Abridged and directed by Laurie Mann.

Laurie Mann (M), John Chu, Joan Slonczewski , Bruce Coville, Bob Kuhn, Mary Crowell, David G. Grubbs, Jane Yolen, Kate Baker, Darlene Marshall, David Palumbo

50+ Years of Doctor Who: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Sunday 11:00 - 11:50

How has this seminal series evolved since that first BBC show on November 23, 1963? What are its highlights, lowlights, and iconic scenes?

Jim Mann (M), Dana Cameron, John Chu, LJ Cohen, Tony Lewis


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MidAmeriCon II, I’ll be there!

I’m going to be at MidAmeriCon II (aka the 74th WorldCon) in Kansas City from August 17-21 and I will be on programming. Here is what I’m scheduled for: Your Character Ate What? # Thursday 17:00 - 18:00, 2504B (Kansas City Convention... Continue →