My Boskone schedule

Because I’m a little behind, I’m just posting my Boskone schedule now. Yes, Boskone starts today. I’m staying at the con hotel, so I should be around even when I don’t have a panel. Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Tales from the Silk Road: Nonwestern Speculative Fiction Literature

Friday 18:00 - 18:50, Burroughs (Westin)

From the Silk Road to silkpunk and everything in between, Asian speculative fiction has become an important segment of the market. However, many readers in the U.S. are still fairly unfamiliar with its depth and breadth of literary offerings. What is available? Whom should you be reading? What can we look forward to in the next year?

Alexander Jablokov (M),Ken Liu, Wesley Chu, John Chu, Michael Swanwick

Writing: Dialog

Friday 19:00 - 19:50, Harbor II (Westin)

“No one talks that way!”
“I do.”
“Well, okay, but your characters aren’t all you. How about writing the way other people talk?”
“Okay, let’s have the panelists talk about that …”

Vincent O'Neil (M), A.C.E. Bauer, John Chu, Christie Meierz, Bruce Coville

WHO’s Peter Jackson

Sunday 10:00 - 10:50, Burroughs (Westin)

Doctor Who + Peter Jackson = An Epic Mad Man in a Box, in three parts, set to music, with lots of running. Join us for a rollicking adventure (panel) speculating on the ins and outs of a Doctor Who episode as directed by Peter Jackson. Would it be like mixing peanut butter and chocolate? Can the Doctor resist the pull of the One Ring? Will Bilbo end up piloting the TARDIS? And who will win the face-off between the Doctor and Gandalf? There might even be a serious question or two – but, really, where’s the fun in that?

Jim Mann (M), John Chu, LJ Cohen, Jordan Hamessley

Writing: What’s in a Workshop?

Sunday 13:00 - 13:50, Marina 2 (Westin)

The shining stars in today’s fantasy firmament weren’t all born with nuclear fusion. Many attended excellent writer’s workshops across the country, and those workshops now come in all shapes and sizes with varying price points. Staff and former students of these inspiring programs discuss what’s common and what’s unique about various workshops.

James Patrick Kelly (M), John Chu, F. Brett Cox, Theodora Goss, E. C. Ambrose

Phun with Physics

Sunday 14:00 - 14:50, Marina 1 (Westin)

Arguably one of the oldest forms of science, physics is not (always) a dry and dusty matter. Join our playful panel of madcap science mavens for a fun discussion on the history of physics. They’ll note some high and low points on the physics timeline, and consider how these inspired (or demoralized) later research.
Beforehand, check out this great physics timeline for key events:
Jordin T. Kare (M), John Chu, Paula Crock, Mark L. Olson, N.A. Ratnayake


Now read this

What I published and some of what I read in 2019

So, it’s that time of year again. This year I published three short stories. In publication order: “Beyond the El” at on January 16, 2019. (short story) Connor is a food crafter just getting back into the business after his... Continue →