
“The Water That Falls on You from Nowhere” is on the 2013 Locus Recommended Reading List! I’m also thrilled to see on the Locus list some stories that I put on my recommended list for 2013. Since the blog link on my website now points here rather than to my Dreamwidth account, I’m going to repost my list here:

[Again, I will point out that this is, by necessity, an incomplete list. I haven’t read everything and I didn’t always remember to jot down which stories I loved. The list is in no particular order and whether I commented on the story reflects more on how much free time I had than on the quality of the story.

Also, either I’m doing something wrong or something is odd with Svbtle’s CSS files or both. When I previewed this post, the links in lists did not highlight when the pointer hovered over them. They are, however, underlined like the other links in this post.]

Short Stories #

Novelettes #


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My Boskone 51 Program Schedule

[Testing out new blogging platforms and letting people know what I’m doing at Boskone. It’s like a shampoo and conditioner all in one!] Bring Back My Favorite TV Show! Friday 17:00 - 17:50 From recently cancelled shows to long-gone... Continue →