
“The Water That Falls on You from Nowhere” is on the 2013 Locus Recommended Reading List! I’m also thrilled to see on the Locus list some stories that I put on my recommended list for 2013. Since the blog link on my website now points here rather than to my Dreamwidth account, I’m going to repost my list here:

[Again, I will point out that this is, by necessity, an incomplete list. I haven’t read everything and I didn’t always remember to jot down which stories I loved. The list is in no particular order and whether I commented on the story reflects more on how much free time I had than on the quality of the story.

Also, either I’m doing something wrong or something is odd with Svbtle’s CSS files or both. When I previewed this post, the links in lists did not highlight when the pointer hovered over them. They are, however, underlined like the other links in this post.]

Short Stories #

Novelettes #


Now read this

Spec fic in August

The Past # My story “A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Proposed Trade-Offs for the Overhaul of the Barricade” is now live at It was edited by the brilliant Ann VanderMeer and features an amazing piece of Julie Dillon cover art. It... Continue →