Time Traveler’s Almanac release day!  

Time Traveler’s Almanac, edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer, is this mammoth anthology of time travel stories by some of spec fic’s best authors (and me!). I’ve read about a third of it so far and it really is one amazing story after another. SF Signal listed the stories in the anthology back before the UK release.

[Note: Strictly speaking, that’s not the table of contents because the anthology is not ordered by author’s last name. Ann and Jeff have organized the stories into four categories: Experiments, Reactionaries and Revolutionaries, Mazes and Traps, and Communiques. A piece of non-fiction heads each section. The non-fiction is pretty awesome too.]

What strikes me so far is the sheer variety. I think there is an archetypal story we all have in mind whenever anyone says, “time travel.” Predestination! Paradox! Puffy sleeves! What this anthology shows is that there are at least as many approaches to time travel, at least as many uses of time travel as there are stories.

Anyway, Tor releases the US edition today. Yay!

{And, yes, absolutely thrilled to have a story in the company of so many great ones.]


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Readercon schedule

(Actually, the con I went to next after Wiscon was 4th Street Fantasy. Accidentally did my first panel drunk. Accidentally ended up moderating my second panel. Messed up Hug Negotiation by not realizing that someone was asking for... Continue →